Saturday, July 7

Squid Proxy Server

Squid Proxy Server

It's used to provide the internet connectivity to network connected system ny using single internet connection.
·         Package Required:- squid
·         Daemon name :--squid
·         Port Number:-- 3128
·         Path of config file:- /etc/squid/squid.conf

Key Point:--
1.    Install squid proxy
2.    on and start service by:- #service squid start
3.    Give two IPs one for internet and another for LAN

How To Block internet Access for a specific IP or Network

Edit in config file:-- #vim /etc/squid/squid.conf
·         Create ACL in file:- acl newaclname src IP/Network Id  (which you want to block)
·         Give permision to this acl late in file:--  http_access deny newaclname
Save file and restart service

How To Block domain or site

1.    If we want to block a perticular site then create a acl in file only:-- acl site dstdomain *
2.    then Give permissions:-- http_access deny site

NOTE:---  “site” is acl name

If we want to block numbers of sites then first have to create a file and write the entries like:
 then save and exit

Create a acl in config file like:- acl aclname dstdomain “file path

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